15th November, 2011
Ms. Richa,
Dear Richa,
This is in reference to my message to Dharmista.
Dear Dharmista,
Having faith and confidence and conviction and a strong belief in once own self and eventually god and the Guru is quite important in my opinion.
I feel when we are at this young age. We have lots of dreams. We have the entire life in front of us and we are also under a lot of pressure, in your case as you seem to be the only and last hope for the family blood line to continue. There is obviously a lot of pressure on you.
All these pressure, confusion apart from your own in a desires to go there out in this world and have fun are going to be challenging. Most important thing is to make sure that you don’t get tempted by any kind of pressure.
I want you to enjoy life and I want you to try everything in life because it’s only when you have gone through it you will realize that it’s not such a big deal. I believe strongly that if we try to repress our emotions and feelings and desires, they continue to haunt us but if you moderately and with necessary guided supervision of those who have sufficient experience try the things in life which you want to try and sincerely take advise. I think you should be fine.
As far as pressure to perform and become a chartered accountant or to earn money is concerned it’s a good pressure but do that which really makes you feel good. If you really love Egypt. Then take up something which can give you that satisfaction and also you can become an Egyptologist which means an expert on Egypt.
I wish I would have perused my areas of interest however now when I look back I don’t know whether those areas of interests were worth pursuing. Infact even now I am not sure what I am really interested in. therefore even after leaving for 42 years I have not realized what is that which makes me really feel interested and happy, hence in your case I am sure it is not going to be so easy.
However continuously observe your own self and see what you are doing? Why are you doing? What is really happening, what is really going on inside your heart and mind? Learn to cultivate a kind of self enquiry all the time. I have seen a lot of brilliant people crackdown under pressure because they did not have much fun.
Lately I have observed that you are not really coming out openly with what you have in your heart and what you want. I have always felt that you have a lot of repressed emotions and I am concerned. I feel whatever inside is going on needs to be addressed.
I am concerned about your mind and your emotions. You need to really take a stock of what is going on? I have a feeling that you even don’t know what’s really going on. This makes even more dangers. I am not trying to scare you but I am afraid that in our family which is so bottled up. You are definitely going to look for relive outside the family which can be very dangers for young girl.
Most important of all, please keep good company, whether it is girls or boys. Make sure that you have friends who basically are good human beings and who have some kind of spiritual background who basically are honest people and people who one can relay upon.
At this age boys are very much venerable to woman as much as women/girls are venerable to boys. You need to make sure that you meet the right kind of guys. Here even the best of girls make mistakes. Hence what you have to do is you should take somebody in the family. Into confidence it could be me, Margaret, it could be Richa.
Apart from this I have always felt that you are studding too hard and the scheduled which you have is too much for somebody to handle. I have a feeling that you are not really having a good time and you are not growing up in a manner which is healthy. I have felt that there is a lot of anger inside you. Apart from a lot of hurt feelings and probably you must be very insecure, because girls need a father figure. If not a father, as the father figure for you has been your lovingNanu, seeing him getting older and more and more emotional definitely it must be a concern for you. As you cannot depend upon me obviously that gives you no choice but to depend upon me obviously that gives you no choice but to depend upon your own self. This probably is going to be the biggest challenge for you.
The right way to handle this would be to have faith in god because eventually even those who have father and fathers figures have no guaranty as to whether they are going to be really secure.
Trying to earn your own money by becoming chartered accountant or any kind of professional is definitely good idea for all girls with or without father. Hence I recommend pursue it. But don’t come under pressure and don’t feel that there is nobody because your Nanu has made more than enough arrangements for your mother and for you.
Apart from this you are lucky that your biological father comes from a family which is very wealthy. Hence you should feel rather secure financially. As far as emotions are concerned I can guaranty that your Nanu and myself will definitely fulfill all your emotional needs.
You can always depend upon me for advice, moral support and maybe some kind of guidance, my views are not always the same as everybody in the family, but even then they can be of some use. Though I am not trying to say that I am not going to be there for you financially speaking but the fact is right now that’s one area where myself groping in the dark. Hopefully Laxmi is not going to be forever, evasive hence soon or later I am going to win her heart and have an in all her bane frustrations and all her glory and all her grandeur.
Until then this remains a grey area. Now coming back to you, I really concerned about you are emotional state of being. I feel there is a lot of pressure on you and due to the repressed feelings I lately find that you are not as transparent as you should be and probably this makes life even more challenging for you because you have to do everything on the sly. With this pressure to keep secrets, it’s going to become even more challenging. Hence my recommendation would be to trust me and to open up and tell me what’s going on. So that I can help you to enjoy life and yet not getting to trouble.
I am not so worried about your carrier or your ability to become a chartered accountant or your ability to earn money or your financial security or anything else. I am really worried about the fact that you are not really enjoying life and you are doing everything discreetly and I concerned about the kind of company that you keep, I am also concerned and worried about the fact that you drive and you drive rashly, I am also concerned about your physical fitness whether I feel you need to join Aerobics. In short I am only concerned about your youth, I want all that repress stuff to come out in a manner that it can be handled with grass and with caution. If it remains inside it will manifest latter on with great a force and it could even become a health problem.
Hence anyway we will have to address it sooner or later. Also I am concern about physical fitness, as mentioned above. I think to summaries to this entire long lecture is that you should trust me and take me in to confidence.
Best Wishes and May God bless you,
Ashish Bagrodia
CC: Ms. Jennifer- Take it to printout of this and give it to Richadaidi personally in a sealed envelope.
Ms. Margaret- What are your views on this ex tempo lecture for Dharmista.
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