dear Richa
Sometimes seeing the photos I realize, why you withdrew and went completely into the world of Art of living. It was due to somewhere down the line, you did not feel that you are loved and paid enough attention. I think, that happens, especially when you are born late. Also your brief stay in Baroda, somehow hurt you somewhere. Therefore in Bombay you tried to make your own life. And you escaped from all the grief and pain to Art of Living. And that became the world of yours. The love you did not get from us, you got it from there. You spent last 10 years with your friends, who gave you love and you gave them love.
I was completely lost in my work and in my women And then I could not even see your suffering. I was blind
The only way now to live is with regret, guilt, remorse, and thoughts about you, missing you. Everything about you, your lovingness, your dedication. Everything about you, I will probably learn eventually to live with this wound gaping open and bleeding
I think, the only way to communicate with you. I will have to start talking to you on day to day basis. What do you think about this idea.
Best wishes,
Seeking your blessing as you are now my guiding light and my inspiration.
Your loving brother.

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