Saturday, 13 June 2015
Thursday, 11 June 2015
Two of us, carefree, dancing away in the garden at midc ; meheku and richa
Dear bhaiya,
Richa and my relationship never changed, even with the distance, I would rather say, it grew stronger.
So I met Richa around 2004, I was in college then, at St.Xaviers. This is when I had done the course and wanted everyone I knew to do it, so got involved in art of living activities. During this time, richu and I grew very close. Thats when u saw me often.
In 2008, after i graduated with economic majors, I was pondering about future studies. I even had a conversation with Your dad. I wanted to do an mba. That year all my attempts were futile, as i did not clear the entrance.
On introspection I realised i had to solely devote myself to it. And I remember richa whole heartedly supporting me- with time tables, alarms, motivational speeches.
2009-2011, I did my mba at Jamnalal Bajaj Institute of Management studies.
2011-2012, I went to Delhi to work for Ranbaxy as Brand Manager. Richu even came to stay with me for a day in delhi. she was soo happy to see me all grown up.
2013- I got married and got all occupied with my family responsibilities. Richu came to my wedding too, she had promised to come to my new home... I keep telling aunty, she has to come now.
That is why u saw me little at midc and even later at hiranandani.
On the contrary, While i was away, so many more people got close to richu- ram, gayatri, Dharmista, shambhavi others.. Im grateful to all of them for being there always. I think i was possessive about our friendship, we did not need anyone around when we were together.
I think the distance was for a reason, for Richa to touch more lives.
Looking back, 2004-2007, I can bet those were the bestest years of my life.
Two of us, carefree, dancing away in the garden at midc. Just happy. Very happy, without a reason 
Wednesday, 10 June 2015
saakshaat laxmiji ka roop
meri choti behen
saakshaat laxmiji ka roop
itni beemar andar se , lekin lal chunri mein itni sundar
chehere pe tez
devi , saakshaat devi
bees din baad khud hi prajvalit ho gayee , diwaali ke diye ki tarah , humaare dilon mein abhi bhi prajvalit hai aur sadaa rahegi
Sunday, 7 June 2015
chapter has ended with the leaving of shambhavi
today it feels like a " chapter coming to an end "
a chapter of my familys journey with the art of living parts of richa since nov 2014
that chapter has ended with the leaving of shambhavi
living together with the art of living gang was a chapter
it closes now
I feel Richa is my advance course, Richa is my Guru, Richa is my God,
4th June,2015.
Dear Meheku,
I know Richa would have loved that I would participate him Art of living more and more and definitely do an advanced course.
I don’t know why I have so much resistance. I just can't understand. I really enjoyed going through books of Shri Shri Ravi Shanker and listening to his talks, but I don’t have that motivation to do the advanced course.
Secondly, somehow I still don't find Art of living a very serious spiritual organisation.
But what I love the most about Art of living is the kind of community feeling and bonding with you people have, it is truly amazing.
How much love, Richa had for all of you and how much love all of you have for her and after she left her body, without the support which we got from you, your brother, your parents and rest of her friends. I don’t think me and my parents would have survived even one day.
Take the example of Atul bhaiya, he came from Delhi at the very last minute, but the way he worked for making all the necessary arrangements. It was really incredible.
The kind of emotional support we have received from the Art of living gang is incredible.
The most appealing and attractive part of art of living is this part only.
The love which you have for each other. The support you give each other.
No matter how much I try I am unable to find that interest and motivation to join Art of living as a serious candidate.
Even for the advanced course I am unable to gather that courage and motivation.
What to do?
In fact, I am trying my best to everyday remember how Richa lived her life and I am trying to learn from her a few things daily for example love.
She truly practised naturally spontaneously selfless love. She was so kind and gentle. She never spoke ill about anybody. I remember so many times. Criticising people she never responded, never said a word, she would just listen to me but never said anything.
There are so many amazing things about her which I feel I need to learn.
I feel Richa is my advanced course, Richa is my Guru,
Richa is my God,
Richa is my God,
Believe me for me, Richa is no longer my younger sister. She is my Guru, She is my guide, She is my God and I think I would like to imbibe as much as of her qualities as possible.
Wishing you all the best.
Warm regards,
Ashish Bagrodia

how do i make up for my bad behaviour with shambhavi , how ?
dear richa
one more friend of yours has left
as if one last part of you and your world ( aol ) also has left
i just learnt it now
shambhavi has shifted to another place
the worse is that i did not even speak to her in last few months as i had issues , you know my nature isn't it
once again i face guilt and regret , remorse
a lesson indeed , when will i learn !
she must have felt extremely unwelcomed and unwanted as i gave her such a cold shoulder
months passed
i didnt talk to her
she had several times expressed her feelings in last few months seeking forgiveness whereas i am the one who is to be blamed for treating her like this , she was with us , i should have made her feel at home , i didn't do that at all
now , its too late
no going back !
she spent some very sensitive moments with me , prior to the 13 th nov as well as after 13 th nov
those were very intense moments
shall remain ingrained forever
i am lost richa , once again
help me
i want to make up for my " cruel and cold " behaviour with your dear friend
i keep remembering her whispering in your ears on the 13 th evening
also , so many other things , for example the correspondence we had with each other ( she and me ) on searching a house nearby to the bombay hospital , her speaking to guruji , etc etc
i am reliving all those moments now
its intense
v intense
not easy at all
she touched my feet and took blessings on the 19th april in the organic fest , i remember that now repeatedly , also the photo we got taken of me and her
thank god
one good thing i did , i got that photo taken
dear richa will you not feel lonely too without her
she would visit you in your room when she was staying here
earlier too she has spent so much time here with you , in 2013 isnt it
remember the night when you called me there , she had danced , i think so , did you see her dancing or you were in your room
i in fact told you jokingly , i get frightened when she dances too close to me , she might just topple my wheelchair , remember
help me richa
help me to make up for my having ill treated her
she must have felt miserable , totally unwanted and unwelcome
i must make up now
i must
your idiot brother
Saturday, 6 June 2015
Friday, 5 June 2015
Summary of discussion with respected Baiji today evening on 27th May, evening time between 8 pm. and 9 pm.
Summary of discussion with respected Baiji today evening on 27th May, evening time between 8 pm. and 9 pm.
Regarding Sonu, lady teacher who was teacher of Richa didi in South Bombay of Bal vikas. Richa didi going in white salwar kameej looking so cute.
Then Anjali bhabi also remembering the fact that Richa didi was part of Balvikas.
Story regarding Shambhai Mithaiwala. And Richa sitting on his lap, eating biscuit or something. Telling him stories of our house, what she learnt in school. And he would be smiling. Not been able to insist on her to do any dancing. And his wife who was strict who would scold Richa.
Regarding Sita house maid to search her.
Regarding Sukku bai, who used to live near Ban Ganga.
Regarding Alice in the wonderland. And Hima Devi.
Regarding the story told by Gayatri didi. that Richa would keep telling her that there is no time and that we have to do more work. because there is no time left.
Regarding the letter or the card given to respected Baiji by Richa didi. it has been mentioned that my mother also taught me how to do Ballet dance. And the fact that Richa didi learnt Ballet from foreigner lady for which respected Baiji had arranged Leotard from Mahesh Tauji from some foreign country.
After respected Baiji came from Delhi in August, Richa didi was told by Baiji that your health has got spoiled because of you only. You do not take care of yourself. You should take care of yourself. So Richa didi angrily said, who is bothered about me. who has done anything for me. whenever I fall sick, simply I am hospitalized, injection and then I come home. Who is bothered?
Richa didi told Baiji once in a very sad moment that mummy I am telling you koi kisi ka nahi hain. You should not waste time in watching TV and all these serials. You should participate in satsang and do satsang.
The first 20 years of Richa didi life was very good. She lived very happily. She suffered only in the end. And then withdrew herself from everybody. Went inside the world of art of living.
She was the darling of all at childhood. Because she was born after so many years. Even the domestic staff like Teja and Govind used to take good care.
We must find out, if there are photos of Richa didi of the Srimad Bhagwatham programme in Calcutta for which I will write to Sandeep Babu.
Apart from videos there may be other photos of Richa didi in the marriage attended by her of Sanjay bhaiya and Shailu bhaiya and others for which also I will write to them.
Respected Baiji explained the fact that she did not go to the hospital. Because she does not want. She does not want Richa to get attached to her. she did not her soul to get stuck in Mo maya, especially Mother.
my guiding light and my inspiration
dear Richa
Sometimes seeing the photos I realize, why you withdrew and went completely into the world of Art of living. It was due to somewhere down the line, you did not feel that you are loved and paid enough attention. I think, that happens, especially when you are born late. Also your brief stay in Baroda, somehow hurt you somewhere. Therefore in Bombay you tried to make your own life. And you escaped from all the grief and pain to Art of Living. And that became the world of yours. The love you did not get from us, you got it from there. You spent last 10 years with your friends, who gave you love and you gave them love.
I was completely lost in my work and in my women And then I could not even see your suffering. I was blind
The only way now to live is with regret, guilt, remorse, and thoughts about you, missing you. Everything about you, your lovingness, your dedication. Everything about you, I will probably learn eventually to live with this wound gaping open and bleeding
I think, the only way to communicate with you. I will have to start talking to you on day to day basis. What do you think about this idea.
Best wishes,
Seeking your blessing as you are now my guiding light and my inspiration.
Your loving brother.

Wednesday, 3 June 2015
my response to sp ( so that she may inform richa )
tell her
that her brother cries daily almost daily
he is unable to live without her physical presence
tell her to meet me , hug me and kiss me and talk to me
tell her i dont want to live without her
tell her to wait for me
i and she will meet and unite for ever
but in the meanwhile tell to meet me soon
from sp 3 june 2015
Dear AB,
This is regarding dream about Richa one was she came to meet me n she was waiting down fr me when I asked her to come she said I'm waiting will come n with a smiling face donno what she is trying to say.( I can never forget the smile she gives fr me)
Another one was her death anniversary I saw the full grand function so many people around n so many haven going on so many pandits n grand food arrangements like a shadi all was performed by u ,u were so busy giving instructions n I was waiting to meet u n u were so busy n u were sitting n doing haven, this is not a story I see everyday different dreams but I remember only some n when I don't remember n try to recollect I strain myself thinking.
I even had dream before I thought not important but some I feel I shud let you know may be she is trying convey some msgs fr you since u miss her a lot.
The day these dream came I wanted to let you know but I don't get time to mail as I have to type phone is easy fr to me to convey.
Just thought of sharing
Take care
This is regarding dream about Richa one was she came to meet me n she was waiting down fr me when I asked her to come she said I'm waiting will come n with a smiling face donno what she is trying to say.( I can never forget the smile she gives fr me)
Another one was her death anniversary I saw the full grand function so many people around n so many haven going on so many pandits n grand food arrangements like a shadi all was performed by u ,u were so busy giving instructions n I was waiting to meet u n u were so busy n u were sitting n doing haven, this is not a story I see everyday different dreams but I remember only some n when I don't remember n try to recollect I strain myself thinking.
I even had dream before I thought not important but some I feel I shud let you know may be she is trying convey some msgs fr you since u miss her a lot.
The day these dream came I wanted to let you know but I don't get time to mail as I have to type phone is easy fr to me to convey.
Just thought of sharing
Take care
Tuesday, 2 June 2015
Sunday, 31 May 2015
birthday of ram
31 may 2015
dear richa
dear richa
your " the favourite " ram
he took you to cafe mangi
i am still jealous
tears fill my eyes as i remember the way you would make his birthday so special
richa , my dear richa , why why why the hell you had to leave
i am lost
your broken , shattered and hopeless brother
from your darling meheku Fri, May 29, 2015 at 2:42 PM
Dear Ashish bhaiya,
Read your blog, loved it. Thank you for sharing it with us.
Please find attached a few pictures of our Richa. Richa had shown me these photos at midc home may be around 2006-2007. I remember i had taken it from her, because i loved them.
This is the scanned version. I have the original photos, which I will give you.
Warm regards,
Saturday, 30 May 2015
Friday, 29 May 2015
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